Paso Chamber Sends Letter of Support to San Luis Obispo Council of Governments
Paso Chamber Sends Letter of Support to San Luis Obispo Council of Governments

October 5, 2021
Mr. Peter F. Rodgers, Executive Director
San Luis Obispo Council of Governments
1114 Marsh Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Re: Letter of Support for SLOCOG 2022-23 Caltrans Strategic Partnerships Application for the US 101 North San Luis Obispo County Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan
Dear Mr. Rodgers,
On behalf of the Paso Robles business community and our members, the Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce supports the application by the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) for Caltrans Strategic Partnerships Planning Grant funding for a US 101 North/Hwy 46E San Luis Obispo County Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan.
As noted in previous planning documents, the efficiency and safety of the US 101 and Hwy 46E corridors are essential to the economic growth and sustainability of the greater Paso Robles region. We believe this proposed Multimodal Corridor Plan is needed to address the safety, accessibility, preservation and funding challenges for transportation and mobility facing this region of San Luis Obispo County. These corridors are the primary route for inter and intra community transportation within the region and they also serve as the primary means for accessing the central coast cities from other parts of the state.
Paso Robles continues to be a desirable location for business growth opportunities, especially the eastern part of the city that includes the Paso Robles Municipal Airport. This Multimodal Corridor Plan will help address opportunities for improving access to this key area that will enable continued private investment and development in the region.
We also believe that funding for this project would benefit our community in the following ways:
• Increase the safety of the transportation system for motorized and non-motorized users;
• Increase accessibility and mobility of people and freight;
• Promote efficient system management and operation;
• Emphasize the preservation of the existing transportation system;
• Integrate emerging technologies such as electric vehicle charging infrastructure and rail line improvements and extensions into planning efforts; and
• Identify projects for potential funding that are consistent with the Solutions for Congested Corridors Program guidelines.
We readily acknowledge this project would expand the existing area of the state highway system in San Luis Obispo County that already has a Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor plan. Early in 2021, Caltrans District 5 released the draft US 101 Santa Maria to San Luis Obispo Multimodal Corridor Plan. The study area of that plan is the 37 miles of the US 101 south of the US 101 at SR 58, the southern terminus of this plan.
The final Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor plan will aid in ongoing efforts to plan, program, and implement improvements in support of the grant program’s objectives, existing federal planning factors, and the Caltrans mission. It will also allow transportation projects identified within the plan to be eligible for grant funding.
We strongly support SLOCOG’s application and look forward to engaging with the planning efforts outlined should funding be awarded from the Caltrans Strategic Partnerships Planning Grant program.
Respectfully submitted,
Gina Fitzpatrick
Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce