SUPPORT - City of Paso Robles Fiscal Year 2024 Federal Appropriations Request - South River Road Slope Stabilization Project

March 22, 2023
The Honorable Jimmy Panetta
U.S. House of Representatives
304 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Re: Support for the City of Paso Robles Fiscal Year 2024 Federal Appropriations Request
Dear Congressman Panetta,
I am writing to express my support for the City of Paso Robles’ community project request for which they are seeking funding. The City of Paso Robles is requesting $2,000,000 to fund phase I of the South River Road Slope Stabilization Project. The request will provide the necessary funding to kickstart a multi-phase project to reduce landslides on a one-mile segment of a major roadway within the City. The City has identified a wire mesh application as a proven and effective means to reduce landslides along this roadway. The funding request will provide critical resources to complete a feasibility study, identify priority areas, design, and construct phase I of the project. Once constructed, the project will greatly enhance safety for the traveling public and first responders, addressing an issue that has persisted for many years.
River Road provides a parallel route to U.S. 101 within the heart of Paso Robles. The road runs adjacent to the Salinas River on one side and a steep hillside on the other. The storms of early January and March 2023 greatly reinforced the need to accelerate this project. River Road was closed for several days during each storm, significantly restricting access to residential and commercial areas of the City. This road provides one of the only north/south connections on the east side of the Salinas River. Closing this road greatly restricts access to residences, grocery stores, medical offices, gas stations and school sites. Furthermore, the closure of this roadway requires the rerouting of public safety responses, potentially adding critical seconds to first responders’ arrival.
Additionally, the staff time, equipment, and outside contractors needed to stage, close, restore and reopen this roadway is substantial. For example, the storms of January 9 and 10, 2023 required the road be shut down for nearly a week until the corridor could be restored and reopened. The City expended an estimated $50,000 in outside contractor work alone to assist in removing and disposing of mud and debris from the roadway due to landslides from the adjacent hillsides. Many more dollars were spent on City staff time and equipment to address the impacts due to this segment of roadway being closed.
The streets of Paso Robles remain busy throughout the year with visitors and residents. River Road is a vital corridor for the community. Keeping the roadway open and clear of landslide debris is a significant benefit to public safety, emergency response, economic vitality and access to basic services. We urge your support to secure funding for this important project.
The design and completion of this project is critical for Paso Robles and will provide long term benefits to residents, businesses, and visitors of the region. For these reasons, the Paso Robles and Templeton Chamber of Commerce asks that you strongly consider the City’s request for funding. Thank you for your time and for considering the request. If you have any questions please contact Amy Russell, Paso Robles and Templeton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs liaison by phone at (805) 434-8383 or via email:
Gina Fitzpatrick
Paso Robles and Templeton Chamber of Commerce