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SUPPORT - SB 269 - An Act to amend Section 25607 of the Business and Professions Code, relating to alcoholic beverages

SUPPORT - SB 269 - An Act to amend Section 25607 of the Business and Professions Code, relating to alcoholic beverages

SUPPORT - SB 269 - An Act to amend Section 25607 of the Business and Professions Code, relating to alcoholic beverages

February 17, 2023

The Honorable John Laird
State Senator, 17th District
1021 O St., Suite 8720
Sacramento, Ca 95814
RE: SUPPORT - SB 269 - An act to amend Section 25607 of the Business and Professions
Code, relating to alcoholic beverages

Dear Senator Laird:
Thank you for authoring SB 269. SB 269 authorizes California licensed craft distilled spirits manufacturer’s who hold multiple licenses, under identical ownership, to sell their distilled spirits and wine at one location. SB 269 follows the 2022 signed legislation AB 1734 authorizing California licensed breweries and wineries under identical ownership, holding multiple licenses to sell their beer and wine at one location. Furthermore, SB 269 supports Tied-House laws allowing multiple alcohol licenses under one premise to maintain a designated area where retail sales under any of the manufacturer's licenses may occur.

The Paso Robles and Templeton Chamber of Commerce represent industry manufacturers that maintain a personal stake in the measure. Our local alcohol manufacturing industry supports 1.2 million visitors that come to the Paso Robles and Templeton area a year. These businesses
increase local employment, tax revenue, and economic prosperity. SB 269 further supports our members' success by allowing for ease of use, increased compliance, and stronger sales.

Enacting SB 269 is in the best interest of small, local alcohol manufacturers as it allows for greater consumer connection and drastic growth with minimal expense.

The Paso Robles and Templeton Chamber of Commerce supports SB 269. Thank you for your time and for considering the request. If you have any questions please call Amy Russell, Paso Robles and Templeton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs liaison (805) 434-8383.

Gina Fitzpatrick
Paso Robles and Templeton Chamber of Commerce
Cc: Members, California State Senate

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