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Unhoused Community Outreach

Unhoused Community Outreach

Unhoused Community Outreach

Dear Esteemed Member of the Paso Robles Community,

As a loyal Roblan, you understand that a strong vision can ensure success and growth for our community for years to come. Our city is made of innovative entrepreneurs with an eye toward the future, caring individuals working to make a difference in the lives of others today, and families deeply rooted in the city’s history — and each of us shares a commitment to making a positive impact for the next generation. We know that to do so, the work needs to start now — which is why your voice and your vision are critical components of an exciting new partnership between the Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce and the City of Paso Robles.

Together, we will explore and analyze homelessness within our community by implementing the Paso Robles Unhoused Population Futures Study and plan to present our findings and recommendations to the City Council in May. We want to encourage members of our community with diverse identities, beliefs, and lived experiences to participate in this facilitated study as we look beyond what is occurring now to ascertain how the challenges posed by homelessness in our community will manifest itself in the future. It’s an ambitious goal which is why we need your help today.

What is the Paso Robles Unhoused Population Futures Study?

The City of Paso Robles and many partner organizations are currently working diligently to minimize the impact of homelessness on our community and support those who are unhoused. The Paso Robles Unhoused Population Futures Study will complement these meaningful and compassionate efforts by pairing community input with long-term analysis and providing suggested actions validated by detailed research. This will be a guided process led by an independent consultant taking place from March through May, culminating in a report submitted to the Paso Robles City Council.   

Futures studies are robust, holistic, and systematic ways to evaluate how past and present events have impacted trends related to a challenge. As we learn historically how events and trends became interconnected, we can anticipate how future events may or may not shape trends moving forward. From this understanding, the study can develop realistic future scenarios regarding homelessness that can be used to support the city’s strategic planning and next steps. 

Who can participate?

While having knowledge or expertise related to homelessness is valued, we believe a diversity of thought and ideas is equally important to the success of the study. We hope to develop working teams of volunteers that are representative of our entire community, and welcome anyone with a vested interest in the topic to apply. To participate in the study, fill out this application and submit it by Thursday, March 10. We’ll conduct brief interviews Friday, March 11th and will select and notify committee volunteers by end of day.

Volunteers will need to be available for some, or all, of the study sessions and meetings held throughout the months March, April, and early May. If you are selected to serve on the volunteer committee, we will ask for your full participation; you’ll brainstorm, conduct independent research, and join in on facilitated group discussions. It’s work that requires your dedication, but it promises to be incredibly rewarding. 

This is your chance to support your community and make your voice and vision heard — we hope you’ll participate in the study and help us look toward a bright future for all Paso Roblans.

In community,

Gina Fitzpatrick
Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce

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