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Celebrate Responsibly! Fireworks prohibited in the City of Paso Robles.

Celebrate Responsibly! Fireworks prohibited in the City of Paso Robles.

The Paso Robles Fire and Emergency Services would like to remind our community that ALL fireworks are illegal in the City of Paso Robles. Using fireworks in the City limits is punishable by fines up to $1000. Residents are advised that Fireworks are illegal in the City of Paso Robles and officials warn that anyone caught lighting or possessing even “safe and sane” fireworks in the City may be cited and fined. In addition, anyone found responsible for setting a fire using any type of fireworks may be responsible to pay for property damage, suppression costs and may be charged with a felony. This liability also applies to parents of juveniles found responsible for causing a fire. The Paso Robles Department of Emergency Services wishes the community a memorable 4th of July and requests a common sense, safe celebration. We further encourage anyone possessing fireworks to turn them in to their local fire department without fear of penalty or prosecution.

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