City hosting goal setting workshop
City hosting goal setting workshop

Seeking resident input on 2022-2024 goals and budget priorities
PASO ROBLES, CA, February 16, 2022 – The Paso Robles City Council is seeking community input on the City’s goals and budget priorities during a workshop scheduled for Saturday, February 26 at 12 p.m. in City Council Chambers. To maximize opportunity for public participation, the workshop will be held in-person with the option to participate virtually.
The workshop will include:
- A review of progress on existing City Council Goals made to date
- Staff recommendations on modifications or clarifications to existing City Council Goals
- Public and City Council input on any suggested modifications to the City Council Goals
- A preliminary fiscal outlook for the upcoming fiscal year
- A review of major budget themes and areas of emphasis for upcoming budget cycle
- Public and City Council input on priorities for the upcoming budget cycle
The public session workshop will begin at 12:00 PM and is scheduled to conclude at 4:00 PM Refreshments will be provided. Members of the public can participate in-person or virtually. For more details contact the City Clerk via email at or by phone at 805.237.3888 or review the meeting agenda which will be posted at Agenda Center | Paso Robles, CA ( prior to the meeting.
Workshop Details:
Paso Robles City Council Goal Setting Workshop
City Council Chambers at 1000 Spring Street
Saturday, February 26, 2022
12:00PM to 4:00PM
Also via Microsoft Teams and broadcast at