City of Paso Robles Storm Update
City of Paso Robles Storm Update

City of Paso Robles
January 12, 2022
Emergency Operations Center
900 Park Street
(805) 227-7506
Paso Robles, CA. – City officials declared the Existence of a Local Emergency on January 9, 2023, and the City Council will consider ratifying the declaration Thursday evening. This local emergency declaration will remain in effect until it is determined by Council Members and Emergency Managers that no further threat of disaster exists.
The National Weather Service (NWS) is forecasting another series of storm activity beginning Friday afternoon and lasting through Monday evening that is expected to bring several inches of rain. City staff remains on alert throughout the weekend and are prepared to mobilize as conditions dictate. The public is advised to monitor local media and City social media for latest information.
North River Road remains closed between River Oaks Dr. and the county line, but all other roads are currently open. Cleanup work will continue on roadways throughout the city. Due to the weather forecast, roadways may close again over the weekend, so please monitor City social media for updated road closure information.
The City has made sand available for anyone wishing to make sandbags to protect private property. Sand can be found at the City Streets Yard located at 1220 Paso Robles Street. A shovel is onsite, but please bring your own sandbags as they are not available on site. Lists of locations to buy sandbags are available on
All residents living in an area prone to flooding should have a plan in place on where you will go if you need to evacuate. Plan for your pets and any medication or items you need to bring with you. It is strongly advised to avoid driving through, entering, or playing in moving water at all times. During major storm events, public safety resources are in high demand. Avoiding situations that may require an emergency response is a priority.
Residents are strongly encouraged to report home and property damage to the County Office of Emergency Services to provide to FEMA via a form on A countywide dollar amount threshold must be met before residents are eligible for financial recovery assistance. If assistance becomes available, homeowners will be notified.