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Paso Robles City Council Reappoints Planning Commissioner and Appoints New Member

Paso Robles City Council Reappoints Planning Commissioner and Appoints New Member

Paso Robles City Council Reappoints Planning Commissioner and Appoints New Member

PASO ROBLES, CA – The Paso Robles City Council has reappointed Mark Koegler to the Planning Commission and appointed Sharon Roden as a new commissioner during a special meeting on February 5, 2025. The City Council interviewed five applicants to fill two open positions on the Planning Commission.


Mark Koegler, who will begin his third term, was reappointed based on his strong service record and ability to represent a broad spectrum of community interests. A retired city planner and landscape architect from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Mr. Koegler moved to Paso Robles in 2018 and has since contributed valuable expertise to the Commission.


Sharon Roden was newly appointed to the Planning Commission, bringing fresh perspectives and a commitment to the growth and development of Paso Robles. Ms. Roden is a Cal Poly Graduate and is a fifth-generation native of San Luis Obispo County. She served on the APG Board of Directors from 2015 to 2020 and also served on the Paso Robles City Council from October 2023 to December 2024. Her local experience and deep connection to the community will serve her well in her new role.  Commissioner Roden’s first Planning Commission meeting will be on March 11, 2025.   


Both commissioners will play key roles in shaping the city’s future development and planning decisions.


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