Paso Robles Receives Road Safety Grant
Paso Robles Receives Road Safety Grant

Paso Robles Receives Road Safety Grant
Will be used to fund intersection safety improvements
The City of Paso Robles was recently awarded a $250,000 grant from the Highway Safety Improvement Program to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety at three intersections in town.
The improvements are identified in the City’s Local Roadway Safety Plan that was adopted in 2020. The Local Roadway Safety Plan identifies roads and intersections that have experienced increased collisions and accidents for all road users. The Local Roadway Safety Plans was approved after considerable input from residents through stakeholder meetings, public events, community workshops, and online surveys, and two public hearings.
The Highway Safety Improvement Program is a core federal-aid program to States for the purpose of achieving a significant reduction in fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads.
The three intersections addressed by this grant have a high rate of bicycle/vehicle collisions. The planned improvements include green painted bicycle lanes, signage and associated improvements. The three intersections that will be improved are 13th Street at Riverside Avenue, 16th Street at Riverside Avenue, and Niblick Road at Melody Drive.
“This grant will result in safer roads for our residents” said David Athey, City Engineer. “The green bike lanes will bring more visibility to the existing bike lanes with the aim of reducing bicycle vs. vehicle accidents. Overall, this project will be a real win-win for all road users.”
The project will kick off design in 2023, and be constructed in late 2023 or early 2024. More information on the Local Roadway Safety Plan can be found at