Planning Commission seeks volunteers
Planning Commission seeks volunteers

The City of Paso Robles is now accepting applications for appointment to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission prepares recommendations to the City Council regarding the City’s General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The Commission also performs duties related the approval/denial of development applications including Conditional Use Permits, Development Plans, Tentative Maps, and environmental reviews (CEQA).
Appointments will be for 3-year terms expiring February 28, 2025. Commissioners can expect to dedicate 15 - 20 hours each month to meetings, subcommittee meetings and meeting preparation. Applicants are encouraged to review the Planning Commission Handbook for a complete overview of the Planning Commission’s responsibilities:
The Planning Commission consists of seven members appointed by the City Council. Commission applicants must be either a qualified elector (resident of City of Paso Robles) or have a vested interest in the City.
The Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Center. Subcommittee meetings are scheduled at the convenience of the Commission members. All Commissioners must participate in a rotational assignment (5 months annually) to the Development Review Committee which meets each Mondays at 3:30 p.m.
Applicants are advised that all Commissioners are required to file annual Statements of Economic Interests (financial disclosure statements) and, under certain circumstances, there are restrictions on the actions of Planning Commissioners.
Applications may be obtained at City Hall, 1000 Spring Street or downloaded from the City web site at: or type “advisory application” in the site search box on the City website.
Applications are due by Friday, January 28th, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. at Paso Robles City Hall, 1000 Spring Street, Paso Robles, CA 93446
To be considered for appointment, your application must be received by the due date. For more information, please contact the Community Development Department at 805-237-3970 or via email at or the Deputy City Clerk at 805-237-3960.