Sales Tax Oversight Committee Seeking Volunteers
Sales Tax Oversight Committee Seeking Volunteers

Resident volunteers are being sought for the City's Supplemental Sales Tax Oversight Committee
PASO ROBLES, CA – February 2, 2024. In a significant call for community involvement, the City of Paso Robles is actively seeking five volunteers to join its Supplemental Sales Tax Oversight Committee (SSTOC).
This unique opportunity arises from the community's support of Measure E-12 and Measure J-20, supplemental sales taxes approved by Paso Robles voters in 2012 and 2020, respectively.
The Committee has two distinct roles: oversight and advice. The oversight role is the higher priority: Paso citizens need to know whether the voter-approved supplemental sales tax revenues are being spent on community priorities established by the City Council, based on information gained from business and resident surveys and other means. At each regular meeting, the Committee reviews the latest accounting for each of the ballot measures, which summarize funds generated and spent. The Committee determines if the funds were spent appropriately, and report that to the Council and public. The intent is for expenditures by the City in the priority areas (Police, Fire and Street Maintenance) to equal or exceed the revenues generated by the measures. Committee terms are for three years. The application period will be open until all positions are filled.
Past SSTOC agendas with linked staff reports can be found here.
For further information, please contact:
Catherine Piatti, Finance Manager
Via email:
Via phone: (805) 237-3999
If you are interested in serving on this advisory body, please submit an application here: All applicants should plan to be available to interview in person.
About Measure E-12:
In November 2012, the voters of Paso Robles approved Measure E-12, a half-cent supplemental sales tax (SST), beginning on April 1, 2013, and ending on March 31, 2025. Although E-12 is a general tax—meaning it can legally be used for a general government purpose—the tax was intended to fund the City’s street repair, maintenance, and rehabilitation projects. Since inception, E-12 has provided funding for over 35 different road maintenance projects totaling over $45.7 million, with an additional $30.5 million committed towards uncompleted road maintenance projects.
About Measure J-20:
In November 2020, the voters of Paso Robles approved Measure J-20, a one-cent SST, beginning on April 1, 2021, and ending on March 31, 2033 (unless ended earlier by voters). It has the potential to generate approximately $12 million each year in sales tax revenues. The main priorities for spending the Measure J-20 SST revenue are for fire and emergency services, police services, and street repair and maintenance.