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SLO County Health Department Mandates Face Coverings Indoors for All

SLO County Health Department Mandates Face Coverings Indoors for All

SLO County Health Department Mandates Face Coverings Indoors for All

Due to a surge in COVID-19 cases, San Luis Obispo County is again mandating the use of face coverings over the mouth and nose in all indoor public places, regardless of vaccination status. This applies to all indoor venues, gatherings, and workplaces, and includes, but is not limited to offices, retail stores, restaurants and bars, fitness centers, theaters, museums, personal/care services, family entertainment centers, conference centers, and government offices serving the public. The Health Officer Order goes into effect at 12:01 a.m. on September 1, 2021.

According to County Officials, while the vaccine is the most effective tool, masking "is the least disruptive and most immediately impactful additional measure to curb the spread of the virus."

For more information about the Order, visit

Read the complete Order HERE.

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