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Mobile Vaccine Clinics Can Now Come to YOU!

Mobile Vaccine Clinics Can Now Come to YOU!

The County can now provide mobile vaccine clinics to come to your place of business for groups of 25-200.  The COVID-19 vaccine is one of the most important ways we can protect our community and end the pandemic. Now, you can host a mobile vaccine clinic for your organization or neighborhood.

The County of San Luis Obispo is accepting applications for mobile vaccine clinics to provide on-site vaccination for up to 200 people. Ahead of the clinic date, our outreach and education team can meet with your community to provide information and answer questions about the vaccine. 

As part of the County’s Health Equity Initiative, applications will be prioritized for regions and communities that have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19.  Mobile clinics are available within SLO County. 

To host a mobile clinic at your site, your organization agrees to:

  • Identify individuals who want to receive a COVID-19 vaccine (Age 18+)
  • Guarantee 25 - 200 appointments (Smaller organizations are also encouraged to inquire. We may be able to combine your event with other groups or help in another way.)
  • Distribute consent forms and assign appointment times
  • Provide space for the clinic
  • Provide shade, chairs and water for the observation area

Contact us at the website: to host a mobile clinic

Questions can be directed to Jennifer A. Miller at




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