13 Stars Media
Newspapers & Magazines
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About Us
With 30,000 in monthly distribution, Paso Robles Magazine is No. 1 in print in San Luis Obispo County.
Along with the most-circulated publication in San Luis Obispo County — Paso Robles Magazine — we also publish the oldest local newspaper — The Paso Robles Press, The Atascadero News and Colony Magazine in Atascadero, and Morro Bay Life, a monthly newspaper circulated to all addresses in Morro Bay, and Avila Beach Life, circulated monthly to all addresses in Avila Beach and surrounding neighborhoods. We also publish Central Coast TRVLR+Vino™ and Central Coast Ranch Life™ with circulation around the Central Coast and Central Valley from Napa Valley to Malibu, and east to Bakersfield.
Our body of work, as a whole, represents an ability to work efficiently with budgets small, medium, and large, to create advertising campaigns and opportunities that connect businesses and readers with information, goods, and services they want and need. Our in-house designers, ad consultants, and publisher's attention to detail provide world-class service for world-class products, while delivering content ready for consumption by general, casual, and educated readers. Our publications speak to the heart of community, whether it is local to a city, pertinent to an industry, or attractive to travelers and tourists. We connect people to what matters most, with a dedication to our motto: Making Communities Better Through Print™.
Along with the best print products in the county, we also host the top-ranked online sites — pasoroblespress.com and atascaderonews.com at no. 1 and no. 2.

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