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Zozu Project

Zozu Project

NonProfit Organization

About Us

A non-profit organization that supports clean water, education, and health care in Arua Uganda. Zozu Project was founded in 2016 by Drs Lebens (two local doctors) and has grown to support over 400 children. Our vision is to see that each child in the village where we work has access to food, clean water, medical care, spiritual care, education, and an opportunity to one day provide for themselves and their family. Through the empowerment of the youngest generation, our ultimate goal is for every person in Ewuata village in Arua to thrive and reach their God-given potential. We have three parts to our philosophy. The first is our heart for children, as they are Uganda's future. When children and their parents have hope for a future, the cycle of poverty is truly broken. As much as we are able to, we work holistically to serve the children and their families relationally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Secondly, we have a preference for the local leaders, churches, and organizations in Arua, Uganda. As much as possible, we partner with existing groups to provide basic needs, education, and sustainable community development. Our goal is to empower the local people to break the cycle of extreme poverty through holistic and long-term developmental change, and recognize that we have much to learn from them as well. After all, ''a true non-profit is the only company that actively works to put itself out of business. ''

Finally, we believe there are no quick or easy fixes, and we are committed to doing more than just treating the symptoms of extreme poverty.



Elementary Girls in school, educating girls provides hope and a future
Daily providing two meals for all the children
Founders of Zozu Project Drs Mick and Elaine Lebens
Ugandan Executive Director JP and his wife Rosemary
We employee 39 Ugandan Teaching staff and Support staff
Moms of the students accessing clean water from school to bring home
Joy captured in a photo

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